Catching Errors

by Jan 27, 2012

In forums, people often get confused with error handling. For example, this code does not call the error handler. Instead, the red PowerShell error message pops up:

try { Remove-Item \\$name\c$\windows\temp\filename.exe }
catch {Write "Not able to access files on $name"}

When you want to catch errors produced by cmdlets, always make sure you add the parameter -ErrorAction Stop to it. Only then will the cmdlet emit an exception that your script can handle. So this works:

try { Remove-Item \\$name\c$\windows\temp\filename.exe -ErrorAction Stop }
catch {Write "Not able to access files on $name"}

If you want error handling for all cmdlets, you can also change the default mode like this:

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

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