Chapter 14. XML

by Mar 22, 2012

In today’s world, data is no longer presented in plain-text files. Instead, XML (Extensible Markup Language) has evolved to become a de facto standard because it allows data to be stored in a flexible yet standard way. PowerShell takes this into account and makes working with XML data much easier than before.

Topics Covered:

Taking a Look At XML Structure

XML uses tags to uniquely identify pieces of information. A tag is a pair of angle brackets like the ones used for HTML documents. Typically, a piece of information is delimited by a start and end tag. The end tag is preceded by "/"; the result is called a "node", and in the next example, the node is called "Name":

<Name>Tobias Weltner</Name>

Nodes can be decorated with attributes. Attributes are stored in the start tag of the node like this:

<staff branch="Hanover" Type="sales">...</staff>

If a node has no particular content, its start and end tags can be combined, and the ending symbol "/" drifts toward the end of the tag. If the branch office in Hanover doesn't have any staff currently working in the field, the tag could look like this:

<staff branch="Hanover" Type="sales"/>

The following XML structure describes two staff members of the Hanover branch office who are working in the sales department.

<staff branch="Hanover" Type="sales">
    <Name>Tobias Weltner</Name>
    <Name>Cofi Heidecke</Name>

The XML data is wrapped in an XML node which is the top node of the document:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

This particular header contains a version attribute which declares that the XML structure conforms to the specifications of XML version 1.0. There can be additional attributes in the XML header. Often you find a reference to a "schema", which is a formal description of the structure of that XML file. The schema could, for example, specify that there must always be a node called "staff" as part of staff information, which in turn could include as many sub-nodes named "staff" as required. The schema would also specify that information relating to name and function must also be defined for each staff member.

Because XML files consist of plain text, you can easily create them using any editor or directly from within PowerShell. Let's save the previous staff list as an xml file:

$xml = @'
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<staff branch="Hanover" Type="sales">
    <Name>Tobias Weltner</Name>
    <Name>Cofi Heidecke</Name>
'@ | Out-File $env:tempemployee.xml

XML is case-sensitive!

Loading and Processing XML Files

To read and evaluate XML, you can either convert the text to the XML data type, or you can instantiate a blank XML object and load the XML from a file or a URL in the Internet. This line would read the content from a file $env:tempemployee.xml and convert it to XML:

$xmldata = [xml](Get-Content $env:tempemployee.xml)

A faster approach uses a blank XML object and its Load() method:

$xmldata = New-Object XML

Conversion or loading XML from a file of course only works when the XML is valid and contains no syntactic errors. Else, the conversion will throw an exception.

Once the XML data is stored in an XML object, it is easy to read its content because PowerShell automatically turns XML nodes and attributes into object properties. So, to read the staff from the sample XML data, try this:


Name                                    function                                   Age
----                                    -----                                   -----
Tobias Weltner                          management                                 39
Cofi Heidecke                           security                                    4

Accessing Single Nodes and Modifying Data

To pick out a specific node from a set of nodes, you can use the PowerShell pipeline and Where-Object. This would pick out a particular employee from the list of staff. As you will see, you can not only read data but also change it.

$xmldata.staff.employee | Where-Object { $_.Name -match "Tobias Weltner" }
Name                                    function                                  Age
----                                    -----                                   -----
Tobias Weltner                          management                                 39

$employee = $xmldata.staff.employee | Where-Object { $_.Name -match "Tobias Weltner" }
$employee.function = "vacation"
Name                                    function                                  Age
----                                    -----                                   -----
Tobias Weltner                          vacation                                  39
Cofi Heidecke                           security                                   4

If you want to save changes you applied to XML data, call the Save() method:


Using SelectNodes() to Choose Nodes

Another way of picking nodes is to use the method SelectNode() and its so-called XPath query language. So, to get to the employee data below the staff node, use this approach:


Name                                    function                                   Age
----                                    -----                                    -----
Tobias Weltner                          management                                 39
Cofi Heidecke                           security                                    4

The result is pretty much the same as before, but XPath is very flexible and supports wildcards and additional control. The next statement retrieves just the first employee node:


Name                                    function                                   Age
----                                    -----                                    -----
Tobias Weltner                          management                                 39

If you'd like, you can get a list of all employees who are under the age of 18:

Name                                    function                                   Age
----                                    -----                                    -----
Cofi Heidecke                           security                                     4

To the last employee on the list, use this approach:


Alternatively, you can also use an XpathNavigator:

# Create navigator for XML:
$xpath = [System.XML.XPath.XPathDocument][System.IO.TextReader][System.IO.StringReader]`
Get-Content $env:tempemployee.xml | Out-String) $navigator = $xpath.CreateNavigator() # Output the last employee name of the Hanover branch office: $query = "/staff[@branch='Hanover']/employee[last()]/Name" $navigator.Select($query) | Format-Table Value Value ----- Cofi Heidecke # Output all employees of the Hanover branch office except for Tobias Weltner: $query = "/staff[@branch='Hanover']/employee[Name!='Tobias Weltner']" $navigator.Select($query) | Format-Table Value Value ----- Cofi Heidecke

Accessing Attributes

Attributes are pieces of information that describe an XML node. If you'd like to read the attributes of a node, use Attributes:


Use GetAttribute() if you'd like to query a particular attribute:


Use SetAttribute() to specify new attributes or modify (overwrite) existing ones:

$xmldata.staff.SetAttribute("branch", "New York")
New York

Adding New Nodes

If you'd like to add new employees to your XML, use CreateElement() to create an employee element and then fill in the data. Finally, add the element to the XML:

# Create new node:
$newemployee = $xmldata.CreateElement("employee")
$newemployee.InnerXML = '<Name>Bernd Seiler</Name><function>expert</function>'

# Write nodes in XML:

# Check result:

Name                                    function                                   Age
----                                    -----                                   -----
Tobias Weltner                          management                                 39
Cofi Heidecke                           security                                    4
Bernd Seiler                            expert

# Output plain text:
<?xml version="1.0"?><Branch office staff="Hanover" Type="sales"><employee>
Name>Tobias Weltner</Name><function>management</function><age>39</age>
/employee><employee><Name>Cofi Heidecke</Name><function>security</function>
age>4</age></employee><employee><Name>Bernd Seiler</Name><function>

Exploring the Extended Type System

The PowerShell Extended Type System (ETS) is XML-based, too. The ETS is responsible for turning objects into readable text. PowerShell comes with a set of xml files that all carry the extension ".ps1xml". There are format-files and type-files. Format-files control which object properties are shown and how the object structure is represented. Type-format files control which additional properties and methods should be added to objects.

With the basic knowledge about XML that you gained so far, you can start exploring the ETS XML files and learn more about the inner workings of PowerShell.

The XML Data of the Extended Type System

Whenever PowerShell needs to convert an object into text, it searches through its internal "database" to find information about how to best format and display the object. This database really is a collection of XML files in the PowerShell root folder $pshome:

Dir $pshome*.format.ps1xml

All these files define a multitude of Views, which you can examine using PowerShell XML support.

[xml]$file = Get-Content "$pshomedotnettypes.format.ps1xml"
Name                               ViewSelectedBy                     TableControl
----                               --------------                     ------------
System.Reflection.Assembly         ViewSelectedBy                     TableControl
System.Reflection.AssemblyName     ViewSelectedBy                     TableControl
System.Globalization.CultureInfo   ViewSelectedBy                     TableControl
System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo ViewSelectedBy                     TableControl
System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntry   ViewSelectedBy                     TableControl
System.Diagnostics.EventLog        ViewSelectedBy                     TableControl
System.Version                     ViewSelectedBy                     TableControl
System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDo... ViewSelectedBy                     TableControl
Dictionary                         ViewSelectedBy                     TableControl
ProcessModule                      ViewSelectedBy                     TableControl
process                            ViewSelectedBy                     TableControl
PSSnapInInfo                       ViewSelectedBy
PSSnapInInfo                       ViewSelectedBy                     TableControl
Priority                           ViewSelectedBy                     TableControl
StartTime                          ViewSelectedBy                     TableControl
service                            ViewSelectedBy                     TableControl

Finding Pre-Defined Views

Pre-defined views are interesting because you can use the -View parameter to change the way PowerShell presents results with the cmdlets Format-Table or Format-List.

Get-Process | Format-Table -View Priority
Get-Process | Format-Table -View StartTime

To find out which views exist, take a look into the format.ps1xml files that describe the object type.

[xml]$file = Get-Content "$pshomedotnettypes.format.ps1xml"
$view = @{ Name='ObjectType' Expression= {$_.ViewSelectedBy.TypeName}}
$file.Configuration.ViewDefinitions.View | Select-Object Name, $view |
Where-Object { $_.Name -ne $_. ObjectType } | Sort-Object ObjectType Name ObjectType ---- ---------- Dictionary System.Collections.DictionaryEntry DateTime System.DateTime Priority System.Diagnostics.Process StartTime System.Diagnostics.Process process System.Diagnostics.Process process System.Diagnostics.Process ProcessModule System.Diagnostics.ProcessModule DirectoryEntry System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry PSSnapInInfo System.Management.Automation.PSSnapI... PSSnapInInfo System.Management.Automation.PSSnapI... service System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController

Here you see all views defined in this XML file. The object types for which the views are defined are listed in the second column. The Priority and StartTime views, which we just used, are on that list. However, the list just shows views that use Table format. To get a complete list of all views, here is a more sophisticated example:

[xml]$file = Get-Content "$pshomedotnettypes.format.ps1xml"
$view = @{ Name='ObjectType' Expression= {$_.ViewSelectedBy.TypeName}}
$type = @{ Name='Type' expression={if ($_.TableControl) { "Table" } elseif ($_.ListControl) {
"List" } elseif ($_.WideControl) { "Wide" } elseif ($_.CustomControl) { "Custom" }}} $file.Configuration.ViewDefinitions.View | Select-Object Name, $view, $type |
Sort-Object ObjectType | Group-Object ObjectType | Where-Object { $_.Count -gt 1} |
ForEach-Object { $_.Group} Name ObjectType Type ---- ---------- ---- Dictionary System.Collections.Dict... Table System.Collections.Dict... System.Collections.Dict... List System.Diagnostics.Even... System.Diagnostics.Even... List System.Diagnostics.Even... System.Diagnostics.Even... Table System.Diagnostics.Even... System.Diagnostics.Even... Table System.Diagnostics.Even... System.Diagnostics.Even... List System.Diagnostics.File... System.Diagnostics.File... List System.Diagnostics.File... System.Diagnostics.File... Table Priority System.Diagnostics.Process Table process System.Diagnostics.Process Wide StartTime System.Diagnostics.Process Table process System.Diagnostics.Process Table PSSnapInInfo System.Management.Autom... Table PSSnapInInfo System.Management.Autom... List System.Reflection.Assembly System.Reflection.Assembly Table System.Reflection.Assembly System.Reflection.Assembly List System.Security.AccessC... System.Security.AccessC... List System.Security.AccessC... System.Security.AccessC... Table service System.ServiceProcess.S... Table System.ServiceProcess.S... System.ServiceProcess.S... List System.TimeSpan System.TimeSpan Wide System.TimeSpan System.TimeSpan Table System.TimeSpan System.TimeSpan List

Remember there are many format.ps1xml-files containing formatting information. You'll only get a complete list of all view definitions when you generate a list for all of these files.