Checking DELL Warranty Online

by Jan 27, 2015

PowerShell Version 2.0 and later

If you own a DELL computer, you can take advantage of a web service that takes your computer serial number and returns your entitlements:

$serial = '36GPL41'

$service = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri
$guid = [Guid]::NewGuid()

$info = $service.GetAssetInformation($guid,'warrantycheck',$serial)

The result may look like this:


ServiceLevelCode        : TS
ServiceLevelDescription : P, ProSupport
Provider                : DELL
StartDate               : 23.03.2004 00:00:00
EndDate                 : 23.03.2007 00:00:00
DaysLeft                : 0
EntitlementType         : Expired

ServiceLevelCode        : ND
ServiceLevelDescription : C, NBD ONSITE
Provider                : UNY
StartDate               : 23.03.2005 00:00:00
EndDate                 : 23.03.2007 00:00:00
DaysLeft                : 0
EntitlementType         : Expired

ServiceLevelCode        : ND
ServiceLevelDescription : C, NBD ONSITE
Provider                : UNY
StartDate               : 23.03.2004 00:00:00
EndDate                 : 24.03.2005 00:00:00
DaysLeft                : 0
EntitlementType         : Expired 

The information returned by the web service yields other useful information as well, like the type of computer system:

PS> $info.AssetHeaderData

ServiceTag     : 36GPL41
SystemID       : PLX_PNT_CEL_GX270
Buid           : 11
Region         : Americas
SystemType     : OptiPlex
SystemModel    : GX270
SystemShipDate : 23.03.2004 07:00:00 

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