Creating HTML Reports (Part 3 – Adding Headers and Footers)

by Aug 11, 2017

In the previous tip we started to turn PowerShell results into HTML reports. It now needs some headers and footers. This is where we left off:

#requires -Version 2.0

$Path = "$env:temp\eventreport.htm"
$startDate = (Get-Date).AddHours(-48)

$replacementStrings = @{
    Name = 'ReplacementStrings'
    Expression = { $_.ReplacementStrings -join ',' }

Get-EventLog -LogName System -EntryType Error -After $startDate |
  Select-Object -Property EventId, Message, Source, InstanceId, TimeGenerated, $ReplacementStrings, UserName |
  ConvertTo-Html |
  Set-Content -Path $Path

Invoke-Item -Path $Path

To add content prior and/or after the data, use the -PreContent and -PostContent parameters. So to add a machine name as header, and a copyright notice as footer, try this:

#requires -Version 2.0

$Path = "$env:temp\eventreport.htm"
$today = Get-Date
$startDate = $today.AddHours(-48)
$startText = $startDate.ToString('MMMM dd yyyy, HH:ss')
$endText = $today.ToString('MMMM dd yyyy, HH:ss')

$preContent = "<h1>$env:computername</h1>
<h3>Error Events from $startText until $endText</h3>
$postContent = "<p><i>(C) 2017 SysAdmin $today</i></p>"

$replacementStrings = @{
    Name = 'ReplacementStrings'
    Expression = { $_.ReplacementStrings -join ',' }

Get-EventLog -LogName System -EntryType Error -After $startDate |
  Select-Object -Property EventId, Message, Source, InstanceId, TimeGenerated, $ReplacementStrings, UserName |
  ConvertTo-Html -PreContent $preContent -PostContent $postContent |
  Set-Content -Path $Path

Invoke-Item -Path $Path

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