MD5 file hashes uniquely identify file content and can be used to check whether file content is identical. In PowerShell 5, there is a new cmdlet that creates the hashes for you. The code below looks for all PowerShell scripts in your user profile, and generates MD5 hashes for each file:
Get-ChildItem -Path $home -Filter *.ps1 -Recurse | Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Hash
A better approach would associate the hash with the original path:
Get-ChildItem -Path $home -Filter *.ps1 -Recurse | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ Hash = ($_ | Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5).Hash Path = $_.FullName } }
The output would now look similar to this:
Hash Path ---- ---- 2AE5CA30DCF6550903B994E61A714AC0 C:\Users\tobwe\.nuget\packages\Costura.Fody... 46CB505EECEC72AA8D9104A6263D2A76 C:\Users\tobwe\.nuget\packages\Costura.Fody... 2AE5CA30DCF6550903B994E61A714AC0 C:\Users\tobwe\.nuget\packages\Costura.Fody... 46CB505EECEC72AA8D9104A6263D2A76 C:\Users\tobwe\.nuget\packages\Costura.Fody... 930621EE040F82392017D240CAE13A97 C:\Users\tobwe\.nuget\packages\Fody\2.1.2\T... 39466FE42CE01CC7786D8B446C4C11C2 C:\Users\tobwe\.nuget\packages\MahApps.Metr... 2FF7910807634C984FC704E52ABCDD36 C:\Users\tobwe\.nuget\packages\ C7E3AAD4816FD98443A7F1C94155954D C:\Users\tobwe\.nuget\packages\ ...