Creating MD5 File Hashes

by Oct 24, 2017

MD5 file hashes uniquely identify file content and can be used to check whether file content is identical. In PowerShell 5, there is a new cmdlet that creates the hashes for you. The code below looks for all PowerShell scripts in your user profile, and generates MD5 hashes for each file:

Get-ChildItem -Path $home -Filter *.ps1 -Recurse |
  Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5 |
  Select-Object -ExpandProperty Hash

A better approach would associate the hash with the original path:

Get-ChildItem -Path $home -Filter *.ps1 -Recurse |
  ForEach-Object {
        Hash = ($_ | Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5).Hash
        Path = $_.FullName

The output would now look similar to this:

Hash                             Path                                          
----                             ----                                          
2AE5CA30DCF6550903B994E61A714AC0 C:\Users\tobwe\.nuget\packages\Costura.Fody...
46CB505EECEC72AA8D9104A6263D2A76 C:\Users\tobwe\.nuget\packages\Costura.Fody...
2AE5CA30DCF6550903B994E61A714AC0 C:\Users\tobwe\.nuget\packages\Costura.Fody...
46CB505EECEC72AA8D9104A6263D2A76 C:\Users\tobwe\.nuget\packages\Costura.Fody...
930621EE040F82392017D240CAE13A97 C:\Users\tobwe\.nuget\packages\Fody\2.1.2\T...
39466FE42CE01CC7786D8B446C4C11C2 C:\Users\tobwe\.nuget\packages\MahApps.Metr...
2FF7910807634C984FC704E52ABCDD36 C:\Users\tobwe\.nuget\packages\
C7E3AAD4816FD98443A7F1C94155954D C:\Users\tobwe\.nuget\packages\ 

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