Creating Your Own Get-Driver Tool

by Dec 22, 2011

Some code snippets are really valuable, so you should turn them into functions to keep around as new PowerShell commands. Here's a sample function:

function Get-Driver {
    $Keyword = '*'
  $col1 = @{Name='File Name' Expression={ Split-Path $_.Path -Leaf } }
  driverquery.exe /v /FO CSV | 
    ConvertFrom-CSV | 
    Select-Object 'Display Name',  'Start Mode', 'Paged Pool(bytes)', $col1 | 
    Where-Object { ($_ | Out-String -Width 300) -like "*$Keyword*" } 

You now have a function called Get-Driver which lists you all drivers. With just one parameter, you can also easily filter the driver list:

PS> Get-Driver mount

Display Name        Start Mode          Paged Pool(bytes)   File Name
------------        ----------          -----------------   ---------
Mount Point Manager Boot                65.536              mountmgr.sys
WIMMount            Manual              4.096               wimmount.sys

PS> Get-Driver disable

Display Name        Start Mode          Paged Pool(bytes)   File Name
------------        ----------          -----------------   ---------
CD/DVD File Syst... Disabled            69.632              cdfs.sys
Crcdisk filter D... Disabled            4.096               crcdisk.sys
udfs                Disabled            180.224             udfs.sys
Winsock IFS Driver  Disabled            12.288              ws2ifsl.sys

It is a grep-like filter feature which returns all drivers that have your keyword in one of its properties.

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