Sometimes you may want to get a good overview of the data contained in an object. For example, if you query the PowerShell process and display it in a grid view window, you can see the object content:
Get-Process -Id $pid | Out-GridView
But can you really? The object is displayed in one line, and a hidden limitation in a grid view window will only show a maximum number of columns of 30. Since all is one line, you cannot search for properties, either, because always the entire line is selected.
Wouldn’t it be nicer to display the object properties line by line? Here is how:
$object = Get-Process -Id $pid ($object | Get-Member -MemberType *Property).Name | ForEach-Object { New-Object PSObject -Property ([Ordered]@{Property=$_ Value=$object.$_ }) } | Out-GridView
Now, each property gets its own line, and you can display as many as you want, and search for a particular property by content.