In the previous tip we introduced the Get-DisplayFileSize function which automatically converts bytes to readable numbers with units such as “KB” and “MB”.
Using Select-Object, you can now produce folder listings with meaningful file sizes:
$Length = @{ Name = "Length" Expression = { if ($_.PSIsContainer) { return } $Number = $_.Length $newNumber = $Number $unit = 'Bytes,KB,MB,GB,TB,PB,EB,ZB' -split ',' $i = 0 while ($newNumber -ge 1KB -and $i -lt $unit.Length) { $newNumber /= 1KB $i++ } if ($i -eq $null) { $decimals = 0 } else { $decimals = 2 } $displayText = "'{0,10:N$decimals} {1}'" -f $newNumber, $unit[$i] $Number = $Number | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name ToString -Value ([Scriptblock]::Create($displayText)) -Force -PassThru return $Number } } # pretty file sizes dir $env:windir | Select-Object -Property Mode, LastWriteTime, $Length, Name | Sort-Object -Property Length
Note how the calculated property “Length” can still be sorted. It remains a byte value. Just the display text was changed.
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