Free PowerShell Help Manuals

by Jun 4, 2018

Even experienced PowerShell users often ignore that PowerShell comes with an excellent help system, much similar to the man pages in Linux. All you need to do is download the help files once. For this, you need to run the line below in a PowerShell with elevated privileges:

PS> Update-Help -UICulture en-us -Force

Once the help files are downloaded, here’s the list of awesome background topics that explain almost every detail of the PowerShell language:

PS> Get-Help about* | Select Name, Synopsis

Name                                   Synopsis                                
----                                   --------                                
about_ActivityCommonParameters         Describes the parameters that Windows...
about_Aliases                          Describes how to use alternate names ...
about_Arithmetic_Operators             Describes the operators that perform ...
about_Arrays                           Describes arrays, which are data stru...
about_Assignment_Operators             Describes how to use operators to ass...
about_Automatic_Variables              Describes variables that store state ...
about_Break                            Describes a statement you can use to ...
about_Checkpoint-Workflow              Describes the Checkpoint-Workflow act...
about_CimSession                       Describes a CimSession object and the...
about_Classes                          Describes how you can use classes to ...
about_Command_Precedence               Describes how Windows PowerShell dete...
about_Command_Syntax                   Describes the syntax diagrams that ar...
about_Comment_Based_Help               Describes how to write comment-based ...
about_CommonParameters                 Describes the parameters 

You can even create your own PowerShell Help viewer with this line of code:

Get-Help about* | 
  Select-Object -Property Name, Synopsis |
  Out-GridView -Title 'Select Topic' -OutputMode Multiple |
  ForEach-Object {
    Get-Help -Name $_.Name -ShowWindow

When you run it, PowerShell searches for help topics and opens a grid view. Simply hold CTRL and select all topics that you’d like to read, then click OK. The selected help topics open in separate help viewer windows.

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