WMI can return network information such as your current IP address and MAC address. Here is a sample how PowerShell can utilize and beautify the information. The result is a table with all network adapters that have a MAC address, neatly displaying IPv4 and IPv6 in separate columns.
function Get-IPandMAC { param( $ComputerName ) $nicname = @{ Name = 'NICname' Expression = { ($_.Caption -split '] ')[-1] } } $ipV4 = @{ Name = 'IPv4' Expression = { ($_.IPAddress -like '*.*.*.*') -join ',' } } $ipV6 = @{ Name = 'IPv6' Expression = { ($_.IPAddress -like '*::*') -join ',' } } Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration @PSBoundParameters | Select-Object -Property $nicname, $ipv4, $ipv6, MacAddress | Where-Object { $_.MacAddress -ne $null } }