Listing Properties with Values (Part 2)

by May 1, 2018

In the previous tip we introduced a new function called Remove-EmptyProperty that removes properties that have no value. Let’s expand it a bit so that object properties are alphabetically sorted:

# Only list output fields with content  function Remove-EmptyProperty { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline)] $InputObject, [Switch] $AsHashTable ) begin { $props = @() } process { if ($props.COunt -eq 0) { $props = $InputObject | Get-Member -MemberType *Property | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Sort-Object } $notEmpty = $props | Where-Object { !($InputObject.$_ -eq $null -or $InputObject.$_ -eq '' -or $InputObject.$_.Count -eq 0) | Sort-Object } if ($AsHashTable) { $notEmpty | ForEach-Object { $h = [Ordered]@{}} { $h.$_ = $InputObject.$_ } { $h } } else { $InputObject | Select-Object -Property $notEmpty } } }

When you run it, all object properties will now be sorted alphabetically, which makes it much easier to find a particular property:

 PS> Get-Process -Id $pid | Remove-EmptyProperty __NounName : Process BasePriority : 8 Company : Microsoft Corporation CPU : 162,953125 Description : Windows PowerShell ISE FileVersion : 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) Handle : 5708 HandleCount : 1345 Handles : 1345 Id : 14340 MachineName : . MainModule : System.Diagnostics.ProcessModule (PowerShell_ISE.exe) MainWindowHandle : 10033714 MainWindowTitle : C:\Users\tobwe MaxWorkingSet : 1413120 MinWorkingSet : 204800 Modules : {System.Diagnostics.ProcessModule (PowerShell_ISE.exe), System.Diagnostics.ProcessModule (ntdll.dll), System.Diagnostics.ProcessModule (MSCOREE.DLL), System.Diagnostics.ProcessModule (KERNEL32.dll)...} Name : powershell_ise NonpagedSystemMemorySize : 86544 NonpagedSystemMemorySize64 : 86544 NPM : 86544 PagedMemorySize : 335093760 PagedMemorySize64 : 335093760 PagedSystemMemorySize : 1277432 PagedSystemMemorySize64 : 1277432 Path : C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\PowerShell_ISE.exe PeakPagedMemorySize : 389857280 PeakPagedMemorySize64 : 389857280 PeakVirtualMemorySize : 1601478656 PeakVirtualMemorySize64 : 1601478656 PeakWorkingSet : 423972864 PeakWorkingSet64 : 423972864 PM : 335093760 PriorityBoostEnabled : True PriorityClass : Normal PrivateMemorySize : 335093760 PrivateMemorySize64 : 335093760 PrivilegedProcessorTime : 00:00:34.2187500 ProcessName : powershell_ise ProcessorAffinity : 15 Product : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ProductVersion : 10.0.16299.15 Responding : True SafeHandle : Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeProcessHandle SessionId : 1 SI : 1 StartInfo : System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo StartTime : 04.04.2018 08:55:57 Threads : {16712, 12844, 15764, 1992...} TotalProcessorTime : 00:02:42.9531250 UserProcessorTime : 00:02:08.7343750 VirtualMemorySize : 1485922304 VirtualMemorySize64 : 1485922304 VM : 1485922304 WorkingSet : 354381824 WorkingSet64 : 354381824 WS : 354381824

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