Windows Media Player (WMP) gives you access to all of your media stored on your computer. PowerShell can access this information through COM using New-Object with the -COMObject parameter. Windows Media Player uses WMPLAYER.OCX as its ProgID:
$player = new-object –COM WMPLAYER.OCX
$all = $player.mediaCollection.getAll()
0..$($all.count-1) | ForEach-Object { $all.Item($_) }
This will get you all media organized by WMP. You can also access the WMP object model in $player to retrieve media by name, genre or album. To retrieve all audio playlists, do this:
$player.mediaCollection.getByAttribute("MediaType", "audio")
Other attribute values are "playlist", "radio", "video", "photo" and "other".
$all = $player.mediaCollection.getByAttribute("MediaType", "playlist")
0..$($all.count-1) | ForEach-Object { $all.Item($_) }