Whenever you pipe objects through Select-Object, you actually get a copy of the original object. All properties are now readable and writeable, so you can change the object properties in any way you like. This example reads memory information and then replaces the cryptic form factor and memory type ID numbers with clear text values:
"Cache DRAM", "EDO", "EDRAM", "VRAM", "SRAM",
"RAM", "ROM", "Flash", "EEPROM", "FEPROM",
"RDRAM", "DDR", "DDR-2"
$formfactor = "Unknown", "Other", "SIP", "DIP", "ZIP", "SOJ",
"Proprietary", "SIMM", "DIMM", "TSOP", "PGA",
"TQFP", "SOIC", "LCC", "PLCC", "BGA", "FPBGA", "LGA"
# raw results with cryptic id numbers:
Get-WmiObject Win32_PhysicalMemory |
Select-Object BankLabel, FormFactor, MemoryType
"-" * 40
# clear-text results:
Get-WmiObject Win32_PhysicalMemory |
Select-Object BankLabel, FormFactor, MemoryType |
ForEach-Object {
$_.FormFactor = $formfactor[$_.FormFactor]
$_.MemoryType = $formfactor[$_.MemoryType]