If you’re just looking for a quick way in Windows to pair and unpair Bluetooth devices, try this command:
PS> explorer.exe ms-settings-connectabledevices:devicediscovery
It immediately pops up a dialog showing all Bluetooth devices. Just add a function to PowerShell so you don’t have to remember the command, and place it in your profile script:
PS> function Show-Bluetooth { explorer.exe ms-settings-connectabledevices:devicediscovery } PS> Show-Bluetooth
If you’d rather place a shortcut on your desktop with a nice Bluetooth icon, try this:
$desktop = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop') $path = Join-Path -Path $desktop -ChildPath 'bluetooth.lnk' $shell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell $scut = $shell.CreateShortcut($path) $scut.TargetPath = 'explorer.exe' $scut.Arguments = 'ms-settings-connectabledevices:devicediscovery' $scut.IconLocation = 'fsquirt.exe,0' $scut.Save()