Managing Wi-Fi Profiles

by Apr 8, 2022

On Windows, you can use old console commands to discover Wi-Fi profiles:

PS> netsh wlan show profiles  

From here, you can even view individual profile details and get to the cached clear text passwords. Yet all of this is console based, so it is not object oriented, requires a lot of string operations and may return unexpected information when profiles use special characters or your computer uses a different locale.

A much better approach is using the native Windows API. There is a public module available on PowerShell Gallery that you can use. Install it like this:

PS> Install-Module -Name WifiProfileManagement -Scope CurrentUser  

The rest is trivial. To dump all saved Wi-Fi profiles (including those with special characters in their name) use Get-WiFiProfile:

    PS C:\> Get-WiFiProfile 

ProfileName               ConnectionMode Authentication Encryption Password
-----------               -------------- -------------- ---------- --------
HOTSPLOTS_WR_Muehlenberg  manual         open           none
Zudar06_Gast              auto           WPA2PSK        AES
management                auto           WPA3SAE        AES
MagentaWLAN-X5HZ          auto           WPA3SAE        AES
Alando-Whg.17             auto           WPA2PSK        AES 
internet-cafe             auto           WPA2PSK        AES
Training                  manual         WPA2PSK        AES
QSC-Guest                 auto           open           none
ibisbudget                manual         open           none
Leonardo                  auto           open           none  
ROOMZ-GUEST               auto           open           none 
Freewave                  auto           open           none 
   PS Saturday          auto           WPA2PSK        AES
WIFIonICE                 manual         open           none
Airport Hotel             auto           WPA2PSK        AES

And to see the cached Wi-Fi passwords, simply add the -ClearKey parameter. The cached passwords will now appear in clear text in the “Password” column.

Should you be interested to use this functionality directly inside your own code, simply look at the source code in the module. It is highly complex yet native PowerShell. Anyone looking for native API ways to talk directly to the Wi-Fi subsystem should dive into the code.

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