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When you download files from the Internet, you may run into situations where the file won’t open correctly in editors. Most likely, this is caused by non-default line endings.
Here is an example of such a problem. In a previous tip we showed you how to download a MAC address vendor list. When you do that and open the file in the Notepad, all line breaks are gone:
$url = '' $outfile = "$home\vendorlist.txt" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $outfile Invoke-Item -Path $outfile
To repair the file, simply use this code:
$OldFile = "$home\vendorlist.txt" $NewFile = "$home\vendorlistGood.txt" Get-Content $OldFile | Set-Content -Path $NewFile notepad $NewFile
Get-Content is capable of identifying even non-standard line breaks, so the result is a string array of lines. When you write these back to a new file, then all is good because Set-Content will use default line endings.