Object Magic (Part 1)

by Oct 21, 2019

In PowerShell, most data are represented as PSObjects, a specific object “wrapper” added by PowerShell. To get to this specific wrapper, objects have a secret property called “PSObject”. Let’s take a look:

# get any object
$object = Get-Process -Id $pid

# try and access the PSObject

# get another object
$object = "Hello"

# try again

As you’ll see, the secret “PSObject” is basically a description for the object. And there is a ton of useful information embedded. Here’s some:

# get any object
$object = Get-Process -Id $pid

# try and access the PSObject

# find useful information
$object.PSObject.TypeNames | Out-GridView -Title Type
$object.PSObject.Properties | Out-GridView -Title Properties
$object.PSObject.Methods | Out-GridView -Title Methods

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