Select-String can find lines with a specific keyword. It can also include context-relevant lines before and after that line. This will filter the...
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Launching Applications with PowerShell
When you launch *.exe-applications with arguments, you may get exceptions because PowerShell may misinterpret the arguments. A better way to do this...
Managing File System Tasks with PowerShell
If you need to list all cmdlets that deal with file system-related tasks, try this: Get-Command -Noun item*, path Many of these cmdlets have...
Appending CSV Data with PowerShell
To append a CSV file with new data, first of all make sure the type of data you append is the same type of data already in a file (or else column...
Create CSV without Header using PowerShell
ConvertTo-CSV can create comma separated values (CSV) on the fly but it always adds a new header. To create CSV data without columns, take a look at...
Checking Array Content with Wildcards in PowerShell
In a previous tip we illustrated how -like can work on array. To iterate on that, check out how -like (in contrast to -contains) allows the use of...
Assigning Two Unique Random Numbers in PowerShell
If you need to get two random numbers from a given numeric range, and you want to make sure they cannot be the same, simply tell Get-Random to pick...
Tips for Optimizing XML in SQL Server
I’ve worked on a project that used XML heavily inside SQL Server. We really utilized SQL Server’s XML support almost to the full extent,...
Eliminating Empty Text in PowerShell
If you wanted to exclude results with empty (text) columns, you can filter based on $null values. This will get you all processes with a valid...
Adding Personal Drives in PowerShell
In a previous tip we showed you how you can add new drives to easily access your desktop, your cookies or media like music and video. However, when...
When to Use Select-Object’s -ExpandProperty in PowerShell
Use Select-Object to determine which information in a result you are interested in. Here are three easy rules for its parameters: Use -Property *...
Find WMI Classes with PowerShell
In a previous tip we showed how Get-WmiObject can search for WMI class names. Some of the returned WMI class names aren't particularly useful,...
Finding Files Only or Folders Only
In PowerShell v2, to list only files or only folders you had to do filtering yourself: Get-ChildItem $env:windir | Where-Object { $_.PSIsContainer...
Export-Csv with Append
Finally, in PowerShell v3 the cmdlet Export-Csv got a new parameter called -Append! Now you can easily append information to an existing CSV file....
New Alias in PowerShell v3
Since Select-String is such a useful cmdlet, the PowerShell decided to add an alias to it in PowerShell v3. The alias is called sls. Try this:...
Sharing PowerShell ISE v3 Code Snippets
In a previous tip we illustrated how you can create code snippets for PowerShell ISE v3 script editor using New-ISESnippet. All custom snippets are...
Character sets in MySQL – still not for Windows users.
Recent MySQL versions (first the chaotic series of releases that preceeded 5.5 - 5.2, 6.0 and 5.4 - and now 5.6) adds new 'character sets'...
Sophisticated Directory Filtering in PowerShell v3
In PowerShell v3, Get-ChildItem now supports sophisticated filtering through its –Attribute parameter. To get all files in your Windows folder...
Restarting Computers in PowerShell
In PowerShell v3, Restart-Computer now has a number of useful new parameters. For example, you can restart a remote machine and wait for the reboot...
Colorizing PowerShell ISE v3
The new PowerShell ISE script editor in PowerShell v3 lets you customize a lot of colors, so if a particular color does not show well on a...
Out-GridView Grows Up
In PowerShell v2, Out-GridView was a useful way of displaying information in a separate window but its functionality was limited because you could...
Get-Content Can Now Read Raw Text
In PowerShell v3, Get-Content was reading text files line by line. This was great for pipeline processing but could take a long time and also...
Disabling Console Apps in PowerShell ISE
In PowerShell v3, the new PowerShell ISE script editor has improved a lot. Yet, it still has no real console but instead sports a useful console...
Controlling IntelliSense in PowerShell ISE v3
The new PowerShell ISE script editor that ships with PowerShell v3 has a much improved IntelliSense (code completion) that you can even fine-tune...
Removing Code Snippets in PowerShell ISE v3
In a previous tip we showed you how to add your own little code snippets to the new PowerShell ISE v3 script editor. Here's how you can get rid...
Testing URLs for Proxy Bypass
If you'd like to find out whether a given URL goes through a proxy or is accessed directly, you can use this neat little trick: Function...
Using ActiveDirectory Module without AD Drive
By default, when you import Microsoft’s ActiveDirectory PowerShell module which ships with Server 2008 R2 and is a part of the free RSAT...
New PowerShell ISE v3 Console Keyboard Tricks
If you already use the new PowerShell ISE v3 script editor, you noticed that the editor now has an almost real console with input and output going...
Using Code Snippets in PowerShell ISE v3
PowerShell ISE v3 script editor supports code snippets. Press CTRL+J to open a list of built-in snippets. You can add your own snippets, too. For...
Reading Twitter (And Detecting Speed Traps)
With just a couple lines of code, PowerShell can search for Twitter news. If you happen to live in Germany, then this would tell you the latest...