
Get French Holidays

I saw this blog post and I decided to publish this one for France. Here is a PowerShell function that gets all French holidays…

Get German Holidays

Here is a PowerShell function that gets all German holidays, either nationwide or just for your state: function Get-GermanHoliday {    param    (...

Finding Start Time Degradation

With Administrator privileges, a Windows system provides access to the diagnostic data gathered during startup. Windows logs the start time and...

Managing File Shares

Creating a new file share for your network requires Administrator privilege and this PowerShell code: $Parameters = @{ Name = "Packages" Path =...

Masked Input

To safely enter input, scripts need to display a masked input. The easiest way to do this is to use Read-Host -AsSecureString: # Read-Host $entered...

Automating Control Panels

Windows Control Panel is the GUI center for any system configuration. You can launch control panel via console command, too: control [ENTER]....

Avoid Get-EventLog

Get-EventLog is a highly popular cmdlet in Windows PowerShell. With just a few simple parameters, it reads event logs from the primary Windows event...

Composing Dates from a DateTime

Here is a simple and generic way to turn DateTime information into just the ISO string data components you require. For example, if you just need...

Choosing Best File Format (Part 4)

In the previous parts, we reviewed different file types to persist data and cmdlets to read and write them. Today, let’s apply this to a real-world...

Choosing Best File Format (Part 3)

Publishing on – Thur June 22 PowerShell supports a wide variety of text file formats, so what’s the best way to save and read data? In the first two...

Choosing Best File Format (Part 2)

PowerShell supports a wide variety of text file formats, so what’s the best way to save and read data? This largely depends on the type of data, so...

Choosing Best File Format (Part 1)

PowerShell supports a wide variety of text file formats, so what’s the best way to save and read data? This largely depends on the type of data, so...