If you just need a bunch of randomly generated MAC addresses, and you don’t care much about whether these addresses are actually valid, then...
Discover 10 Lesser-known Capabilities of SQL Diagnostic Manager
Introduction This blog post describes ten lesser-known features of SQL Diagnostic Manager with links to short how-to videos and additional...
Bitwise Shift
PowerShell contains some binary operators that are not so commonly used, for example bitwise shifting. The -shl operator shifts bits to the left:...
Converting Binary String to Integer
Here is how you convert a binary text string into the corresponding integer value: $binary = "110110110" $int =...
Webyog named a promising database technology solution provider of 2017 by CIOReview – Press Release
CIOReview publication draws attention towards the leading companies and revolutionists that are substantiated on their unprecedented level of...
Unable to monitor MSSQL via WMI – SQL Advanced Metrics
The SQL Advanced Metrics service monitor is unable to pull counters from WMI... This can occur from time to time with any product that publishes...
Using Clipboard to Transfer Data and Results
Finally in PowerShell 5, there is support for sending results to the clipboard, and receiving results from the clipboard: PS> Get-Command -Noun...
Installing MSI on Remote System
Best Practices for Deployment of SQL Compliance Manager
This document deals with the best practices of implementation and deployment of IDERA’s SQL Compliance Manager....
How .Replace() and -replace differ
There are two ways of replacing text in a string: the Replace() method, and the –replace operator. They work fundamentally different....
HTML Encoding Advanced
The static .NET method HtmlEncode does a good job encoding the usual character codes but fails with many special characters. To encode all...
HTML Encoding
There is a static .NET method that you can use to HTML-encode text, for example if you want the text to display correctly in HTML output: PS>...
Bulk Printing Word Documents
This line finds all Word documents in your profile: Get-ChildItem -Path $home -Filter *.doc* -Recurse If you’d like, you can easily print them all....
Downloading Videos From German Media Databases
In Germany, there are publicly available media databases with most of the TV content broadcasted by public stations. It just takes very little...
May the 4th Be With You!
Do. Or do not. There is no try. May the 4th is National Star Wars Day and IDERA is excited to celebrate. Keep your database universe Safe with the...
Translating Error Records
Whenever PowerShell records an error, it wraps it in an Error Record object. Here is a function that takes such an error record and extracts the...
Attend our Virtual Conference to Win Big!
Be a part of history and attend IDERA’s first Virtual Conference! IDERA Live is our first Virtual Conference designed to educate and inform...
Enable AD Users with Out-GridView
Sometimes it requires just a couple of lines of code in PowerShell to produce highly useful helpdesk tools. Here is one that displays all currently...
Turning AD User into a Hash Table
Sometimes it could be useful to load all attributes from a given AD user into a hash table. This way, you could edit them, and then use Set-ADUser...
Cloning Folder Structures (with NTFS Permissions) – Part 2
In the previous tip we illustrated how Get-FolderStructureWithPermission can document and create a list of all nested folders in a structure, along...
Cloning Folder Structures (with NTFS Permissions) – Part 1
Sometimes you need to re-create a nested folder structure, and may also want to clone the NTFS permissions. Today we are tackling the first step:...
The best problem is no problem.
Many DBAs begin Oracle tuning by focusing on the slow SQL statements. Time to tune is often made only when there is an issue. We believe...
Oracle Performance Tuning Practice
Transaction performance is business performance. SQL statement execution is the foundation of transaction performance. Business performance has an...
Triangle of Oracle Optimization Success
Any change carries risk and reward. Every change has a price to implement. Adding a hint to a SQL statement is less expensive than a...