
Finding the Current User

Should you try and use PowerShell as a log-on script, you may want to know who is actually running the script to access user specific folders or...

Outputting Calculated Properties

Format-Table is a very convenient cmdlet to output data as table. You can pick the object properties you want to output like this: Dir |...

Finding Old Files

Occasionally, you might want to find files that are older than a give number of days to delete or backup those. A simple filter can provide that...

Working with Arrays

Creating arrays in PowerShell is easy using the comma delimiter. The next line creates an array with five elements: $myArray = 'Hello', 12,...

Converting Results into Arrays

Whenever you call a function or cmdlet, PowerShell uses a built-in mechanism to handle results: If no results are returned, PowerShell returns...

Finding Duplicate Files

Hash Tables are a great way to find duplicates. Simply use the Hash Table as lookup to see if the file (or element) was already added to the Hash...

Converting Hash Tables to Objects

Hash Tables are convenient but are not true objects. This is bad because you are unable to output the hash content to formatting cmdlets or export...

Sorting Hash Tables

Hash Tables store key-value pairs, and you normally cannot sort its content. Let's define a Hash Table first to examine this: $hash =...

Using Hash Tables

Hash Tables are a great way to organize data. A hash table stores key-value-pairs. To create a new hash table variable, try this: $person = @{} You...

Strongly Typed Variables

Unless you override how PowerShell stores variable content, you may find that PowerShell does not automatically pick the best type. For example,...

Making Variables Constant

If you need to write more robust scripts, it makes sense to write-protect certain variables. Whenever you want a variable to set its content as...

Add Descriptions to Variables

Keeping track of a variable’s purpose can be accomplished by assigning a clear text description: $ip = '' Set-Variable ip...

Assigning Variables

With PowerShell, you can assign values to multiple variables. For example, to initialize three variables to the same default value, use this: $a =...

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