
Detecting Storage Issues

In Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016, PowerShell can access storage reliability data so you can find out whether there is something wrong with one...

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Resetting Winsock

PowerShell can execute internal PowerShell commands and also regular console commands, so it’s not a bad thing to continue to use console...

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Accepting Masked Passwords

If you ever write PowerShell functions that need to accept sensitive input such as passwords, make sure you allow users to submit SecureString...

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Increasing Pipeline Speed

The PowerShell pipeline tends to be slow when it is processing a lot of elements. This can take a lot of time: $result = 1..15000 | ForEach-Object {...

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Detecting Key Presses

It may be useful for PowerShell to know whether a given key is currently pressed. This way, your profile script could, for example, do things during...

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