
Find User Profiles

We’ve received massive feedback on our tips dealing with user profile management, so we decided to add a couple of additional tips. Typically,...

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List User Profiles

We've received a massive feedback on our tips dealing with user profile management, so we decided to add a couple of additional tips. WMI can...

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Appending the Clipboard

PowerShell 5 introduces cmdlets to copy text to the clipboard, and paste it back: Set-Clipboard and Get-Clipboard. Set-Clipboard also supports the...

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Deleting User Profiles

Whenever a user logs on to your computer, a user profile is created, and in the previous tip we explained how PowerShell can dump a list of user...

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Execution Policy Override

If PowerShell won’t let you run a script, you may have to enable script execution first, for example like this: Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope...

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Formatting Text Output

If you’d like to nicely format output text, you may want to use a PSCustomObject and output it as a formatted list like so: $infos =...

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