
Searching for ADUsers

The free Microsoft RSAT tools come with the PowerShell “ActiveDirectory” module: plenty of cmdlets help you administer Active Directory...

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ToString() Masquerade

In the previous tip we explained that ToString() is a fuzzy way of describing an object, and that the object author can decide what ToString()...

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Careful with ToString()

Any .NET object has a method ToString() that returns a text representation. This is also what you get when you output an object in a string....

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Bitwise Shift

PowerShell contains some binary operators that are not so commonly used, for example bitwise shifting. The -shl operator shifts bits to the left:...

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HTML Encoding Advanced

The static .NET method HtmlEncode does a good job encoding the usual character codes but fails with many special characters. To encode all...

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HTML Encoding

There is a static .NET method that you can use to HTML-encode text, for example if you want the text to display correctly in HTML output: PS>...

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Translating Error Records

Whenever PowerShell records an error, it wraps it in an Error Record object. Here is a function that takes such an error record and extracts the...

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