
Find WMI Classes with PowerShell

In a previous tip we showed how Get-WmiObject can search for WMI class names. Some of the returned WMI class names aren't particularly useful,...

Finding Files Only or Folders Only

In PowerShell v2, to list only files or only folders you had to do filtering yourself: Get-ChildItem $env:windir | Where-Object { $_.PSIsContainer...

Export-Csv with Append

Finally, in PowerShell v3 the cmdlet Export-Csv got a new parameter called -Append! Now you can easily append information to an existing CSV file....

New Alias in PowerShell v3

Since Select-String is such a useful cmdlet, the PowerShell decided to add an alias to it in PowerShell v3. The alias is called sls. Try this:...

Sharing PowerShell ISE v3 Code Snippets

In a previous tip we illustrated how you can create code snippets for PowerShell ISE v3 script editor using New-ISESnippet. All custom snippets are...

Restarting Computers in PowerShell

In PowerShell v3, Restart-Computer now has a number of useful new parameters. For example, you can restart a remote machine and wait for the reboot...

Colorizing PowerShell ISE v3

The new PowerShell ISE script editor in PowerShell v3 lets you customize a lot of colors, so if a particular color does not show well on a...

Out-GridView Grows Up

In PowerShell v2, Out-GridView was a useful way of displaying information in a separate window but its functionality was limited because you could...

Get-Content Can Now Read Raw Text

In PowerShell v3, Get-Content was reading text files line by line. This was great for pipeline processing but could take a long time and also...

Testing URLs for Proxy Bypass

If you'd like to find out whether a given URL goes through a proxy or is accessed directly, you can use this neat little trick: Function...

Downloading PowerShell v3 Help

Beginning with PowerShell v3, help is no longer shipped by default. Instead, in order to get help you need to download the help information from the...

Getting Relative Dates

Here's a quick and fast way of generating relative dates in any format: (Get-Date).AddDays(-1).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') This would return...

PowerShell ISE v3 Keyboard Shortcuts

Note: Beginning now, we will include useful tips on PowerShell v3. PowerShell v3 is the next generation of PowerShell that is in public beta right...

Getting Movie Database Information

Here's a sample that illustrates how versatile PowerShell is. The function Get-Movie retrieves information about movies from the Internet....

Identifying PowerShell Host

If your script requires a real console, or if your script requires PowerShell ISE features, it may be a wise thing to check which host is actually...

Find WMI Classes

Get-WmiObject is a great cmdlet that returns all instances of a WMI class: PS> Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk All you need to know is the...

Adding Type Accelerators

Type accelerators are shortcut names that represent .NET types. For example, you can use [XML] instead of [System.Xml.XmlDocument]. By default,...

Rename PowerShell Scripts

Rename-Item can easily batch-rename large numbers of files, simply by piping file objects into it. Here is a sample that finds all PowerShell script...

Verifying Restore Points

When you create a new restore point with Checkpoint-Computer, you do not get back any feedback telling you whether the operation succeeded....

Enabling and Disabling Computer Restore

In a previous tip we shared how you can use PowerShell to create restore points and restore your system state in case something went bad. There are...

Backing Up System State

Let's assume your script needs to change a bunch of system settings. The worst thing that could happen is if your script breaks in the middle of...

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