
Normalizing Localized Data

Many console-based tools like driverquery, whoami, or tasklist provide useful information but the column names are localized and may differ,...

Finding Process Owners and Sessions

Get-Process returns a lot of information about running tasks but it does not return the process owners or the session a process is logged on to....

Exploring Group Membership

To find out the groups your account belongs to, there is a command line tool called whoami. This tool supports options to output the information as...

Installing PowerShell v3 Help

PowerShell v3 comes without help files. To get help, you need to download the help files first. In an elevated PowerShell console, use this command:...

Clean Your Temp Folder with PowerShell

When disk space gets low, you may want to clean up your temporary folder. The code deletes all files that are older than 30 days to make sure...

Office365 Cmdlets with PowerShell

Office365 comes with a complete set of PowerShell cmdlets. To review the cmdlets and what you can do with them, visit this URL:...

Launching Applications with PowerShell

When you launch *.exe-applications with arguments, you may get exceptions because PowerShell may misinterpret the arguments. A better way to do this...

Appending CSV Data with PowerShell

To append a CSV file with new data, first of all make sure the type of data you append is the same type of data already in a file (or else column...

Eliminating Empty Text in PowerShell

If you wanted to exclude results with empty (text) columns, you can filter based on $null values. This will get you all processes with a valid...

Adding Personal Drives in PowerShell

In a previous tip we showed you how you can add new drives to easily access your desktop, your cookies or media like music and video. However, when...

Find WMI Classes with PowerShell

In a previous tip we showed how Get-WmiObject can search for WMI class names. Some of the returned WMI class names aren't particularly useful,...

Finding Files Only or Folders Only

In PowerShell v2, to list only files or only folders you had to do filtering yourself: Get-ChildItem $env:windir | Where-Object { $_.PSIsContainer...

Export-Csv with Append

Finally, in PowerShell v3 the cmdlet Export-Csv got a new parameter called -Append! Now you can easily append information to an existing CSV file....

New Alias in PowerShell v3

Since Select-String is such a useful cmdlet, the PowerShell decided to add an alias to it in PowerShell v3. The alias is called sls. Try this:...

Sharing PowerShell ISE v3 Code Snippets

In a previous tip we illustrated how you can create code snippets for PowerShell ISE v3 script editor using New-ISESnippet. All custom snippets are...

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