
Using the OpenFile Dialog

PowerShell 3.0 and newer Here’s a quick function that works both in the ISE editor and the PowerShell console in PowerShell 3.0 and above):...

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Logging What a Script Does

All PowerShell versions You probably know that in a PowerShell console (not the ISE editor), you can turn on logging: PS> Start-Transcript This...

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A Fun Beeping Prompt

All PowerShell versions If your computer has a sound card, here is a code snippet that will drive your colleagues nuts: function prompt { 1..3 |...

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Watch Out With UNC Paths!

All PowerShell versions Many cmdlets can deal with UNC paths, but using UNC paths can produce flaky scripts. Take a look at this: PS> Test-Path...

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Finding AD Users

All PowerShell versions Searching the AD can be done with simple calls provided you are logged on an Active Directory domain. In a previous tip we...

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Case-Correct Name Lists

All PowerShell versions Let’s assume it’s your job to update a list of names. Here is an approach that will make sure that only first letter in a...

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Hibernate System

All PowerShell versions Here is a simple system call that will hibernate a system (provided of course that hibernation is enabled): function...

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Recursing a Given Depth

PowerShell 3.0 and newer When you use Get-ChildItem to list folder content, you can add the –Recurse parameter to dive into all subfolders....

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Aliases Can Be Dangerous

All PowerShell versions Aliases enjoy the highest priority among executable commands in PowerShell, so if you have ambiguous commands, PowerShell...

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Delete Aliases

All PowerShell versions While you can easily create new aliases with New-Alias or Set-Alias, there is no cmdlet to delete aliases. PS> Set-Alias...

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