Sometimes, you may want to hide the code of your PowerShell script in order to protect passwords contained within the code. One way to safely...
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Accessing individual Files and Folders Remotely via WMI
WMI is an excellent way of remotely checking files or folders since it has the ability to access individual files and folders, and also works...
Finding Out Whether A Web Page Is Open
The Shell.Application COM object returns a list of all open windows, including all opened IE browser windows. This way, you can find out whether a...
Accessing Internet Explorer
Accessing Internet Explorer can be useful for obtaining Web content. The usual approach uses a COM object called InternetExplorer.Application like...
Detect DHCP State
You can use WMI and Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration to determine whether a computer uses DHCP to acquire an IP address. Simply look for all...
Select Folder-Dialog
Want to provide your users with a neat dialog to select folders? Simply use a COM object called Shell.Application, which provides the...
Sending Simple SMTP Mail
You need to notify an admin that something happened or something is finished and would like to send a quick e-mail from inside your PowerShell...
Check Online Status
When managing more than just one system, you may want to remotely access those systems. Maybe you use WMI to do that. However, when you try and...
An Easy InputBox
All user input and output normally occurs inside the PowerShell console. Simply access the .NET framework directly if you'd like to get back the...
Finding Current Script Path
Ever wanted to locate the path of your current PowerShell script? This can be useful to call other scripts or resources in the same folder. To...
Finding Aliases for a Command
PowerShell defines a lot of shortcuts (aliases) for most commands. You may want to determine whether there is a shortcut if you find yourself using...
Clone NTFS Permissions
NTFS access permissions can be complex and tricky. To quickly assign NTFS permissions to a new folder, you can simply clone permissions from another...
Finding and Deleting Orphaned Shares
Maybe you never noticed but when you delete folders that were shared on the network, the share may be left behind. To locate shares that have no...
Creating HTML Reports
PowerShell can convert objects into HTML using ConvertTo-HTML. By adding a bit of custom formatting, your reports can be colorful and cool. The...
Parsing Logfiles With Regular Expressions
Regular expressions are a powerful but somewhat complex mechanism to match and find patterns in text files. However, it is not always necessary to...
Using PowerShell To Create Batch Command Calls
Whenever you do something twice, automate it! This applies to native commands as well. PowerShell can help you call a native command repetitively....
Creating A Computer Profile
Often, information needed to comprehensively profile a computer comes from a number of sources. A great way to meld these different bits of...
Shutting Down Computers Remotely
WMI not only provides rich information, it also supplies methods that you can call to take action. In the next example, you can forcefully shut down...
Finding Out Interesting WMI Classes
WMI provides a wealth of information as long as you know the name of the WMI class that represents the entity you are seeking. Fortunately,...
Accessing Servers Remotely via WMI
WMI is a fantastic source of information! Best of all, it works locally as well as remotely. For example, the next line gives you details about your...
Filtering Events by Date and Time
As you have discovered in a previous tip, reading Eventlog entries is fairly simple using WMI and Win32_NTLogEvent: Get-WmiObject Win32_NTLogEvent...
Analyzing Event Logs
Event logs are a great source of information. The only problem is that they tend to be overwhelming. Try using WMI and the Win32_NTLogEvent class to...
Reading Text Files
Reading text files is easy using the Get-Content cmdlet: $text = Get-Content $env:windirwindowsupdate.log However, Get-Content reads the file line...
Converting ASCII and Characters
To convert the ASCII value to a character, use type casting like this: [char]65 To do the opposite and convert a character to its ascii value, use...
Checking File and Folder Permissions
Get-Acl is a convenient Cmdlet to expose NTFS file and folder settings. For example, to get a list of ownerships for a folder content, do this: Dir...
Sorting Text Files
You need to sort a text file, maybe a list of servers or names? Here is how: $file = $homeserverlist.txtGet-Content $file | Sort-Object |...
Playing a Song with Media Player
Windows Media Player can be accessed using COM, and WMP in turn gives you access to your entire media. Using GetByName(), you can directly access...
Listing Your Media Collection
Windows Media Player (WMP) gives you access to all of your media stored on your computer. PowerShell can access this information through COM using...
Cleaning Document Folders
Often, in your document folders a lot of files exist, and most of the time they are not really organized. With the help of a little PowerShell...
Advanced Compare-Object: Working with Results
By using the -passThru parameter, you can tell Compare-Object to return the actual objects you compared. Let's say you are looking for new...