Processing Switch Return Value

by Sep 7, 2009

You probably know that the Switch statement checks against a value and returns whatever you have defined for this condition like so:

function Get-Name($number) {
switch ($number) {
1 { "One" }
2 { "Two" }
3 { "Three" }
default { "Other" }

Get-name 1
Get-Name 100

But did you know that you can assign the result from Switch to a variable directly by simply placing Switch into $()?

function Get-Name($number) {
$result = $(switch ($number) {
1 { "One" }
2 { "Two" }
3 { "Three" }
default { "Other" }

"The result is: $result"

Get-name 1
Get-Name 100

In PowerShell V2, the $() workaround isn't even necessary.

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