Typically when you split a text using the -split operator or the Split() method, the split character is removed from the text:
$profile -split '\\' C: Users Tobias Documents WindowsPowerShell Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
If you want to keep it, make it a "look ahead" by adding "?<=". This way, PowerShell looks for the backslash, then looks "ahead" and cuts right after it:
PS> $profile -split '(?<=\\)' C:\ Users\ Tobias\ Documents\ WindowsPowerShell\ Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
You can also make it a "look behind", so it searches for the backslash, then turns around and looks "back", cutting the text right before the backslash, again without removing it. Add a "?=" this time:
PS> $profile -split '(?=\\)' C: \Users \Tobias \Documents \WindowsPowerShell \Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1