Use F1 in PowerShell ISE

by Nov 12, 2014

PowerShell ISE 3 and later

When you have downloaded the PowerShell help files (using Update-Help from an elevated shell), you can use the Get-Help cmdlet to find background information about many useful topics. This would list all topics, for example, that include the keyword “Parameter”:

PS> Get-Help parameter

Name                              Category  Module                    Synopsis 
----                              --------  ------                    -------- 
Get-ClusterParameter              Cmdlet    FailoverClusters          Get-Cl...
Set-ClusterParameter              Cmdlet    FailoverClusters          Set-Cl...
about_CommonParameters            HelpFile                            Descri...
about_Functions_Advanced_Param... HelpFile                            Explai...
about_Parameters                  HelpFile                            Descri...
about_Parameters_Default_Values   HelpFile                            Descri...
about_ActivityCommonParameters    HelpFile                            Descri...
about_WorkflowCommonParameters    HelpFile                   

Any generic help topic starts with “about_”.

In the PowerShell ISE, simply click into one of the listed names, then press F1, to open the associated help in a separate help window.

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