Verbose Driver Information

by Apr 10, 2012

In a previous tip you discovered driverquery.exe to list driver information. This tool sports a /V switch for even more verbose information. However, due to localization errors, when you specify /V, column names may no longer be unique.

That's when you can reuse yet another tip we presented earlier and make sure CSV columns are unique:

function Show-DriverDialogVerbose {
        $ComputerName = $env:computername
    function Convert-Unique($list) {
    $list | Group-Object |
        ForEach-Object {
            $_.Group | ForEach-Object { $i=0 } { $i++
                    if ($i -gt 1) { $_ += $i } $_ }

    driverquery.exe /V /S $ComputerName /FO CSV |
        ForEach-Object {$i=0}{ $i++
            if ($i -eq 1) {
                """$((Convert-Unique ($_.Replace('"','').Split(',') )) -join '","')"""
            } $_
        } | 
      ConvertFrom-Csv | 
      Out-GridView -Title "Driver on \\$ComputerName"

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