The good oldfashioned netstat.exe can tell you the ports that applications listen on. The result is plain-text, though. PowerShell can use regular expressions though to split the text into CSV data, and ConvertFrom-Csv can then turn the text into real objects.
This is just an example of how PowerShell can use even the most basic data:
#requires -Version 2 NETSTAT.EXE -anop tcp| Select-Object -Skip 4| ForEach-Object -Process { [regex]::replace($_.trim(),'\s+',' ') }| ConvertFrom-Csv -d ' ' -Header 'proto', 'src', 'dst', 'state', 'pid'| Select-Object -Property src, state, @{ name = 'process' expression = { (Get-Process -PipelineVariable $ } } | Format-List
The result may look similar to this:
src : state : LISTEN process : {Adobe CEF Helper, Adobe CEF Helper, Adobe Desktop Service, AdobeIPCBroker...} src : state : LISTEN process : {Adobe CEF Helper, Adobe CEF Helper, Adobe Desktop Service, AdobeIPCBroker...} src : state : LISTEN process : {Adobe CEF Helper, Adobe CEF Helper, Adobe Desktop Service, AdobeIPCBroker...} src : state : LISTEN process : {Adobe CEF Helper, Adobe CEF Helper, Adobe Desktop Service, AdobeIPCBroker...} src : state : LISTEN process : {Adobe CEF Helper, Adobe CEF Helper, Adobe Desktop Service, AdobeIPCBroker...}