Who is Listening? (Part 2)

by Feb 16, 2016

If you run at least Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012, you can use Get-NetTcpConnection to find out which network ports are in use, and who is listening on these ports.

The script below not only lists the ports in use but also the processes that do the listening. If the process is "svchost", the script finds out the names of the services that are run by this process:

#requires -Version 3 -Modules NetTCPIP

$service = @{}
$Process = @{
  Name = 'Name'
  Expression = {
    $id = $_.OwningProcess
    $name = (Get-Process -Id $id).Name 
    if ($name -eq 'svchost')
      if ($service.ContainsKey($id) -eq $false)
        $service.$id = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_Service -Filter "ProcessID=$id" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
      $service.$id -join ','

Get-NetTCPConnection | 
Select-Object -Property LocalPort, OwningProcess, $Process | 
Sort-Object -Property LocalPort, Name -Unique

The result may look similar to this:

LocalPort OwningProcess Name                                                   
--------- ------------- ----                                                   
      135           916 RpcEptMapper,RpcSs                                     
      139             4 System                                                 
      445             4 System                                                 
     5354          2480 mDNSResponder                                          
     5985             4 System                                                 
     7680           544 Appinfo,BITS,Browser,CertPropSvc,DoSvc,iphlpsvc,Lanm...
     7779             4 System                                                 
    15292          7364 Adobe Desktop Service                                  
    27015          2456 AppleMobileDeviceService                               

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