Some geocoding APIs provide sophisticated sentiment analysis like in the example below:
"Most important museums of Amsterdam are located on the Museumplein, located at the southwestern side of the Rijksmuseum." | ForEach-Object -Begin {$url='' $null = Invoke-RestMethod $url -S session } -Process { Invoke-RestMethod $url -W $session -Method Post -Body @{scantext=$_='json'='analysis'} }
A text is sent to the API, and the API analyzes geographic content and outputs details for the locations found in the text:
sentimentanalysis : @{allsentiments=; sentimentwords=; mainsentiment=} longt : 4.88702 matches : 3 match : {@{longt=4.88355; location=RIJKSMUSEUM, AMSTERDAM, NL; matchtype=street; confidence=1.0; MentionIndices=108,26; latt=52.35976}, @{longt=4.88334; location=MUSEUMPLEIN, AMSTERDAM, NL; matchtype=street; confidence=1.0; MentionIndices=55,26; latt=52.35747}, @{longt=4.89416; location=Amsterdam,NL; matchtype=locality; confidence=0.4; MentionIndices=26; latt=52.36105}} latt : 52.35943