Creating random passwords

by Apr 20, 2011

Take a look how easy it is for PowerShell to create random passwords:

PS > $list = [Char[]]'abcdefgABCDEFG0123456&%$'
PS > -join (1..20 | Foreach-Object { Get-Random $list -count 1 })
PS > -join (1..20 | Foreach-Object { Get-Random $list -count 1 })
PS > -join (1..20 | Foreach-Object { Get-Random $list -count 1 })


Simply create a list of allowable characters. Next, a loop will randomly pick characters out of that list, and -join will bind them together to a string. You can adjust the list of allowable characters to draw from  and then adjust the number of iterations to control the password length.


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