The PowerShell console prompt can be easily changed by simply changing the prompt function to change the prompt text. If you are working with a notebook, you may want to get a warning when battery power goes low. Use WMI to query the battery status and then use this information to format the prompt:
function prompt {
$charge = Get-WMIObject Win32_Battery -property EstimatedChargeRemaining
switch ($charge.EstimatedChargeRemaining) {
{ $_ -lt 25 } { $color = 'red'break }
{ $_ -lt 50 } { $color = 'red'break }
default { $color = 'white' }
$text = 'PS {0} ({1}%)> ' -f (Get-Location), $charge.EstimatedChargeRemaining
Write-Host $text -nonewline -foreground $color -background 'black'
' '