
Creating Registry Values

In a previous tip we introduced the new function New-RegKey that could create one or more registry keys. Here is a function that creates registry...

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Creating Registry Keys

With this new function, it is simple to create new registry keys (including missing parent keys) in all registry hives. All you need are proper...

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Recording Audio Text Files

Did you know that PowerShell can record audio messages? All you need is some text. You can then turn the text into spoken language, convert it to a...

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Enter Hibernation Mode

Maybe you are running lengthy tasks at night. Sometimes you may want to place the machine into hibernation once your script is done. Here’s a...

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Make PowerShell Speak!

By adding a new system type called System.Speech, you can make PowerShell speak out loudly: Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Speech $synthesizer =...

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Admin Privileges Enabled?

If you want to know whether your script has currently full Administrator privileges, here is an (admittedly long) one-liner that tells you:...

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Locking Workstation

If you ever feel the need to lock your interactive session via PowerShell, here’s a function that can do this (and also illustrates how to use...

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Logging Off

Stop-Computer and Restart-Computer can shutdown and restart a machine, but there are things they cannot do, for example logging off the current...

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The Two Faces of -match

The -match operator can be extremely useful because it accepts regular expression patterns and extracts the information that matches the pattern:...

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Converting TABs to Spaces

When you want to publish PowerShell code, you may want to make sure that all TAB characters are converted to one or more spaces to save space....

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