April #SQLChat Wrap-Up: SQL Server Migrations

by Apr 13, 2016

IDERA hosted its April #SQLChat on Tuesday, April 12 at 11 AM CT with Rie Irish, Director of Database Administration with Paymetric, Inc. This Twitter Chat covered SQL Server Migrations and was hosted on the date SQL Server 2005 fell out of service.

This was the second largest Twitter Chat IDERA has hosted, with more than 248 tweets generated with the hashtag #SQLChat. Tips and tricks for migrating were discussed including team and timeline management, planning for downtime, etc.

Congratulations to Paul Timmerman, Jamie Wick, Dave Mason and Monica Rathbun who all received a prize for participating in this month’s chat.

If you missed the #SQLChat check out some question highlights below. Or, you can view the complete conversation on Twitter.

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