Auto-Creating a List of HTTP Response Codes

by Aug 22, 2019

In the previous example we looked at how numeric HTTP response codes can automatically be converted to descriptive text, simply by converting them to the type System.Net.HttpStatusCode.

PS> [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]500

This works because System.Net.HttpStatusCode is a so-called “enumeration” and acts like a “lookup table”. You can easily dump all members of an enumeration, and for example create a nice table of HTTP response codes:

[Enum]::GetValues([System.Net.HttpStatusCode]) |
  ForEach-Object {
        Code = [int]$_
        Description = $_.toString()

That’s all you need to get a table of the most common HTTP response codes:

Code Description                 
---- -----------                 
 100 Continue                    
 101 SwitchingProtocols          
 200 OK                          
 201 Created                     
 202 Accepted                    
 203 NonAuthoritativeInformation 
 204 NoContent                   
 205 ResetContent                
 206 PartialContent              
 300 MultipleChoices             
 300 MultipleChoices             
 301 MovedPermanently            
 301 MovedPermanently            
 302 Redirect                    
 302 Redirect                    
 303 SeeOther                    
 303 SeeOther                    
 304 NotModified                 
 305 UseProxy                    
 306 Unused                      
 307 TemporaryRedirect           
 307 TemporaryRedirect           
 400 BadRequest                  
 401 Unauthorized                
 402 PaymentRequired             
 403 Forbidden                   
 404 NotFound                    
 405 MethodNotAllowed            
 406 NotAcceptable               
 407 ProxyAuthenticationRequired 
 408 RequestTimeout              
 409 Conflict                    
 410 Gone                        
 411 LengthRequired              
 412 PreconditionFailed          
 413 RequestEntityTooLarge       
 414 RequestUriTooLong           
 415 UnsupportedMediaType        
 416 RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
 417 ExpectationFailed           
 426 UpgradeRequired             
 500 InternalServerError         
 501 NotImplemented              
 502 BadGateway                  
 503 ServiceUnavailable          
 504 GatewayTimeout              
 505 HttpVersionNotSupported   

The approach works for any enumeration you may come across. Simply change the name of the enumeration data type. This example dumps the available console color codes:

[Enum]::GetValues([System.ConsoleColor]) |
  ForEach-Object {
        Code = [int]$_
        Description = $_.toString()
Code Description
---- -----------
   0 Black      
   1 DarkBlue   
   2 DarkGreen  
   3 DarkCyan   
   4 DarkRed    
   5 DarkMagenta
   6 DarkYellow 
   7 Gray       
   8 DarkGray   
   9 Blue       
  10 Green      
  11 Cyan       
  12 Red        
  13 Magenta    
  14 Yellow     
  15 White    

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