Copying instance lists between SQL Elements and SQL Diagnostic Manager

by Feb 7, 2014

If you’re a user of both SQL Elements and SQL Diagnostic Manager, it’s a reasonable bet that you’ll have some overlap of instances being monitored by the two products. Whether you’re using SQL Elements primarily for inventory and tagging purposes, or as a lightweight monitoring tool for the servers not presently covered by SQL Diagnostic Manager, from time to time you may want to copy a block of instances either to or from one product to the other. Fortunately this is done relatively easily with some simple SQL queries to the product repositories.

The basic logic we’ll be using in these examples uses a handy trick you can use in SQL 2005 and up to concatenate result sets into a long string, by using the “for XML Path(”)” command. This is done to simplify the process of copying from Management Studio into the Add Server dialogs for each product, both of which expect semicolon delimited lists. 

Example 1: Copying all servers from SQL Diagnostic Manager to SQL Elements

This is a very straightforward query – just select all instances from the MonitoredSQLServers table and paste the result in to the Add Server dialog in SQL Elements

use [SQLdmRepository];
	InstanceName + ';'
for xml path('');

Example 2: Copying all servers from SQL Elements to SQL Diagnostic Manager

Again, a pretty simple query. Use the IderaCoreRepository for this command.

use [IderaCoreRepository];
	Name + ';'

Example 3: Copying all servers with a single tag from SQL Diagnostic Manager to SQL Elements

Perhaps you’re only wanting to move a single set of tagged servers over to SQL Elements. This can be done by joining through to the Tags table via the ServerTags table.

use [SQLdmRepository];
	InstanceName + ';'
	MonitoredSQLServers m
	inner join ServerTags st
	on m.SQLServerID = st.SQLServerId
	inner join Tags t
	on st.TagId = t.Id
	t.Name = 'Test'
for xml path('');

Example 4: Copying all servers with a single tag from SQL Elements to SQL Diagnostic Manager

This is much the same as Example 3, from the SQL Elements side. This is where things begin to get really interesting, because as you’re adding to SQL Diagnostic Manager, you can easily set the newly added block of servers to have the same tag and to use the same alert template.

use [IderaCoreRepository];
	i.Name + ';'
	[Common].[Instances] i
	inner join [Common].[InstanceTags] it
	on i.[ID] = it.InstanceID
	inner join [Common].[Tags] t
	on it.TagID = t.ID
	t.Name = 'Development'
for xml path('');

Example 5: Copying all servers with a single owner from SQL Elements to SQL Diagnostic Manager

You can easily filter the list from SQL Elements either by owner or by location. Again, this can be used to help with setting initial defaults when adding to SQL Diagnostic Manager, or perhaps to help with setting application security in DM.

use [IderaCoreRepository];
	Name + ';'
	[Owner] = 'Quality Assurance'
for xml path('');

Both products have protections in place to keep you from inadvertently adding the same server twice as long as they’re the exact same name. You’ll get a little error message letting you know which servers appear to be duplicates, but it won’t cancel the add. If you commonly use aliases in your environment, though, you’ll want to make sure you don’t add the same server twice by different names – both products allow this.