Dynamic Argument Completion (Part 2)

by Mar 11, 2020

In our previous tip we looked at [ArgumentCompleter] and how this attribute can add clever code to parameters that provides auto-completion values for your arguments. AutoCompletion can do even more: you can submit different values for the IntelliSense menu, and for the actual completion.

Check this code:

function Get-OU {
        [Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new("'OU=managers,DC=company,DC=local'", "Management", "ProviderItem", "OU where the Management lives")
        [Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new("'OU=subtest,OU=test,DC=company,DC=local'", "Experimental", "DynamicKeyword", "Reserved")
        [Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new("'OU=External,OU=IT,DC=company,DC=local'", "Help Desk", "ProviderItem", "OU where the Helpdesk people reside")

    "Chosen path: $OU"

The completer code basically just creates three new CompletionResult objects. Each one takes four arguments:

  • Completion Text
  • Text shown in IntelliSense menu
  • Icon for IntelliSense menu
  • Tooltip for IntelliSense menu

You can even control the icon displayed in the IntelliSense menu. These are the predefined icons:

PS> [Enum]::GetNames([System.Management.Automation.CompletionResultType])

When you run this code and then call Get-OU, you can press TAB to complete through the OU X500 paths, or you can press CTRL+SPACE to open the IntelliSense menu. Inside the menu, you see the chosen icons and the friendly text. Once you select an item, the X500 completion text is used.

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