Enjoy May Day without “mayday” – protect your SQL Server data

by May 1, 2019

May 1st is traditionally celebrated as “May Day” to welcome the return of spring. In Central Texas, we often get a lot of rain in the spring, sometimes with hail or tornados, but we’re glad to avoid the late snowfall seen in other areas of the country. Crazy weather conditions can cause unexpected emergencies, sometimes with very little notice, for which people may be unprepared. In dire situations where life and property are at risk, those affected may need to request assistance. The international distress call is “mayday,” usually repeated three times over a radio, often by pilots or boaters.

As you enter into the spring season, make sure your SQL Server databases are prepared for unexpected attacks by checking to ensure that you have good security practices in place. Security is a core area for database management and non-negotiable when it comes to mission critical applications. Protecting your databases is essential to your organization's business. With every release of SQL Server, there are tons of additions that get added as part of the platform. In this whitepaper, SQL Server Security Practices, you can review common security practices for implementing security measures within a SQL Server deployment.

If you already have good security processes defined, the next step is to make sure you audit the database activity to identify any potential risks. Data breaches are occurring frequently across all industries; just check the latest tech news and you’ll find multiple examples of exposed private information. As a SQL Server DBA, you should verify database security and access in your environment, and know who is accessing what data and when. Tracking the user activity can help to expose a potential data breach before it occurs. In this whitepaper, Top 5 Items to Audit in SQL Server, you can learn about the top five items you should be auditing on all of your SQL Servers, and how to do them.

If you take the appropriate steps to secure your SQL Server environment, you can avoid data breaches and other devastating exposure of your important company assets. Protect your data, and enjoy your spring!

Interested in doing more to secure and audit your data? Try the IDERA SQL Security Suite free for 14 days.