Get-ComputerInfo vs. systeminfo.exe (Part 2)

by Nov 28, 2019

In PowerShell 5, a new cmdlet called Get-ComputerInfo was introduced which does what systeminfo.exe did in the past, yet Get-ComputerInfo is object-oriented right away. There are no localization issues:

$infos = Get-ComputerInfo

You can now query individual details about your computer:


Or use Select-Object to select all properties that interest you:

$infos | Select-Object -Property OSInstallDate, OSFreePhysicalMemory, BiosBIOSVersion

On the cons side, consider this: Get-ComputerInfo was introduced with PowerShell 5, and you can easily update to that version or use PowerShell Core side-by-side with an older version of Windows PowerShell. However, a lot of the information retrieved by Get-ComputerInfo stems from WMI classes that have been added only with recent Windows operating systems.

If you update to Windows PowerShell 5.1 on a Windows 7 box, chances are Get-ComputerInfo will not work right. On older systems, systeminfo.exe is your best bet, while on recent operating systems, Get-ComputerInfo is much easier to use.

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