MONyog MySQL Monitor 5.5 beta 1 Has Been Released

by Aug 30, 2012

Changes (as compared to 5.3) include:

* Added a new major feature called 'Real-Time' to monitor MySQL. This feature details the top 200 queries, slow queries, locked queries, locking queries, tables, databases, users, hosts and query states in real time. Information is retrieved from MySQL every one second. Queries taking more than 10 seconds to execute are considered as slow queries. Note that MONyog depends on the 'InnoDB Plugin' (optional with recent MySQL 5.1 versions, standard with higher MySQL versions) to get information on locked and locking queries. Refer MySQL docs for more information on InnoDB plugin. Also note that constants listed here are currently 'hard-coded' but we plan to implement user settings.
* Optimized Monitors page to retrieve and display data approximately 10 times faster than before.
* Added an option to choose verbosity of email notifications. 'lesser verbosity' is in particular relevant if you receive mails on a mobile phone or another small handheld device .
* Added ’Monitor level’ email-address alert setting. If an email address is specified for a specific monitor, notification will be sent to that particular email-address when the monitor is alertable in addition to the email address specified globally for the server.

Please note that updated documentation is in progress, but not included with this beta release.
