Monyog MySQL Monitor 5.71 Has Been Released

by Mar 27, 2014

Changes (as compared to Monyog MySQL Monitor 5.7) include:

* With only one MySQL server selected, Dashboard page will now display charts in such a way that whitespace and the need of scrolling are reduced. With more than 1 servers selected, the Dashboard charts are drawn using a vertical layout as before.
* Real-Time interface can now show the actual query in addition to replacing literals with the "?" wildcard.

Bug fixes:
* Using TAGS for registered servers in order to manage access for non-admin users did not always work as expected when multiple TAGS were used.
* Yet another fix for a LDAP group authentication issue.
* In Real-Time interface EXPLAIN option was not available if query length was greater than 5000.
* In Real-Time interface database and user@host were not available for aggregating queries. They are now.

* MySQL availability and System availability charts in Dashboard are now disabled by default. Users who want them can enable from Dashboard Customize page. We removed them primarily as they consume space in the interface and have little information that is not obvious from other charts.
