
Using Encoded Scripts

In VBScript there were encoded scripts. Encoding is by no means a safe way of hiding script content, but it makes it a little harder for users to...

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Using Background Jobs

Background jobs can help speed up your scripts. If your scripts consist of a number of separate tasks that also could run in parallel, then...

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Removing Windows 10 Apps

Windows 10 comes with a bunch of preinstalled apps. Fortunately, you can use PowerShell to remove any app you don’t like. You may need...

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Downloading Files

Invoke-WebRequest can download files from the internet for you. This example downloads a 33MB public NASA video to your computer, then starts to...

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Creating Real Classes

PowerShell introduces class support in PowerShell 5.0, but you can define your own classes in other PowerShell versions as well. Simply use C# code...

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