
Sorting IP Addresses

Sorting or comparing IP addresses won't initially work because PowerShell uses alphanumeric comparison. However, you can compare or sort them...

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Accessing Web Services

Did you know PowerShell can access public and private Web services? The piece of code below will connect to a global weather service providing...

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Create HTML report in style

Also, here is a template that shows you how to change to a nicer font if you want to export PowerShell results as HTML report.. It will generate a...

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Get All Logged On Users

In a previous tip, you learned how to determine who the user is logged onto the physical machine. However, this will not discover logged-on terminal...

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Comparing Hotfixes

If you want to check hotfixes, you should compare installed hotfixes on a master image with some other machine. Go ahead and use Compare-Object and...

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Backing Up Event Log Files

WMI provides a method to backup event log files as *.evt/*.evtx files. The code below creates backups of all available event logs: Get-WmiObject...

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Checking Loaded Formats

PowerShell Snapins and Modules can add format files that describe how Powershell should auto-format object types. Use this line to check which...

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Checking Loaded Assemblies

Use this line to check which .NET assemblies are currently loaded into PowerShell: $host.Runspace.RunspaceConfiguration.Assemblies ReTweet this...

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Checking -STA Mode

PowerShell needs to run in STA mode to display Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) windows. ISE runs in STA mode by default whereas the console...

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Cleaning Transcript

When you run Start-Transcript, PowerShell will document all console input and output in a file. To remove all output and create a file with your...

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Automated Authentication

You will not want a credential dialog to pop up if you need to run scripts unattended that need to authenticate using credentials. Here is an...

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Get Logged On User

You can use this code to find out which user is locally logged on a machine: $computername = 'SomeMachine-or-IP'Get-WmiObject...

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Finding Parameter Aliases

Sometimes, cmdlet parameters have additional alias names, but these names aren't well documented. Here is a script that will list all parameter...

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Formatting a Drive

In Windows Vista and higher, there is a new WMI class called Win32_Volume that you can use to format drives. However, you should be careful when...

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Comparing Services

Compare-Object can help when troubleshooting computers. For example, you should try this to compare the service status on two machines and find out...

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