
How Much RAM Do You Have?

Ever wondered what type of RAM your PC uses and if there is a bank available to add more? Ask WMI! This example also converts the cryptic type codes...

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Removing Empty Things

How do you exclude objects based on empty properties? For example, WMI returns all kinds of "network adapters:" Get-WMIObject...

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Filtering Day of Week

You can also use this little helper function if you run scripts every day and want to make sure they don't do anything on weekends: function...

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Finding Object Types

When you pipe the result of a command to Get-Member, it examines the returned objects and shows the properties and methods. Use this line if you...

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Built-in Methods

Strings contain all the methods you may need to access its content or manipulate it otherwise. Here is how you can list those methods: "Hello" |...

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Create HTML System Reports

ConvertTo-HTML is a great way of creating system reports because you can combine information gathered from different sources into one report. The...

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Create HTML reports

ConvertTo-HTML will convert text information into simple HTML, which can then be saved to disk. These reports will work fine, even though they are...

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Printing Results

You will discover that Out-Printer can print results to your default printer. You can also print to any other printer when you specify its name:...

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Examining Object Data

If you need to see all properties a result object provides, you should probably add Select-Object * to it like this: Get-Process -Id $pid |...

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Multi-Column Lists

If you need to display a lot of information in as little room as possible, you should use Format-List with -Column: Get-Service | Format-Wide...

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Getting IPv4 Addresses

You should use WMI to list all IPv4 addresses assigned to a computer: Get-WMIObject win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | Where-Object { $_.IPEnabled...

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Automating Native Commands

You'll discover that some native commands require interactive keystrokes before they work. For example, to format a drive, for security reasons you...

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Finding Update History

Whenever Windows installs an update via Windows Update, it will log this in its windowsupdate.log file. PowerShell can then parse this file. You...

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Get Assigned IP Addresses

If you've ever wanted to know all IP addresses assigned to a machine, you should use WMI: Get-WMIObject win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration |...

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Creating Range of Letters

PowerShell can easily provide a range of numbers, but creating them is not that easy - unless you convert ascii codes into characters: 65..90 |...

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