
Reading Default Values

Each registry key has a default value. It is called (default) when you look into regedit. To read this default value, you can just use this name...

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List Installed Software

Get-ItemProperty reads registry values. You can create a software inventory in just one line since it supports wildcards: Get-ItemProperty...

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Read Registry Values

You will find that reading Registry values is not always easy because the Registry is accessible only via the generic "drive" paradigm....

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Open Explorer

While the PowerShell console is great, it is sometimes just easier to switch to Windows Explorer. Here is the fastest way to open Explorer and show...

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Discovering Impact Level

In a previous tip, you learned how to use $ConfirmPreference to get a warning before a cmdlet actually changes your system. This was based on the...

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Hide Error Messages

You may already know that you can suppress error messages with the ErrorAction parameter, which is often a good idea. Take a look at this and then...

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Temporary File Name

Thanks to Get-Date, you can easily create unique temporary file names with a timestamp: (Get-Date -format 'yyyy-MM-dd hh-mm-ss') +...

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Stopping the Pipeline

Usually, once a pipeline runs, you cannot stop it prematurely, even if you already received the information you were seeking. Simply use this filter...

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Creating Large Dummy Files

Sometimes, it is more efficient to use existing console tools rather than PowerShell cmdlets. For example here is a way to create a large file for...

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Accessing Profile Scripts

Profile scripts are executed automatically when PowerShell starts. The paths to these scripts can be found in $profile: $profile | gm *Host* | % {...

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Listing Execution Policies

In PowerShell v.2, there are multiple execution policies. You should use this to view and check the settings: Get-ExecutionPolicy -List ReTweet this...

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